
Me transformation at week three and four

Due to the side effect of HGH I stop the 4iu per day . Remain with
D-Bol x 40mg/day(ascending to 60mg)
Glanovar x 20mg/day

Test switch to Sustanon x 500mg/week
Deca x 600mg/week

Back and arms difference the most back obvious after intensive training thicker and wider
Arms I can't fid one day specially for them then I train them with shoulder and back days at least ten set for bicep and tricep

Legs seem to be the hardest part to train for but switch to isolate and press more hope next week can have a break thro'.

The third photo left is week three seem to be thicker and right is week four more details add on.

All cycle products from Global nutrition
Very promising and good stuff

