
Me at the third week: obvious Bigger and stronger

Now I am at the third weeks of my programme and cycle
300mg test
600mg Deca
Per week
3x 10mg d-Bol (adding up every week)
2x 10mg Glonavar
4iu HGH
Per day

Remind: must drink plenty of water like a gallon a day. And must consume over 300g protein and 450g carbo a day unless u are over 200pounds te consume will be ascending.
U will feel large indeed always large in muscle expanding way all time hard in tissue. Eat enough u got a chance up to 25pounds added.

I am using ascending linear programme every week descending reps and adding pounds. Like the first week 12-15 reps per set and 50-60% of regular use weight. Second week 8-10 reps per set use 60-70% weight of regular. Third week 6-8reps per set use almost 90-100% of reps and will do force rep in order to push the limit. The muscle need irregular exercise and reps to stimulate the growth. Do force reps must need a spotter. And perform every rep in a good form is the best. Don't cheat on weight don't do hero ego lifting because u feel like Hercules because of the hormone.
Every last set try to perform slow and control temple like 5-6secs a rep then 2sec pace.
The most important thing is listen and feel your muscle between every move and action . Don't feel embrasemet but touching yourself or face the mirror a lots of time very usual and very useful u can see the difference and adjust the exercise to aim it. Take photo of your self to compare the difference is the best way to find out what have to improve. Sometime type your exercise to find the non perfect move like have my squat go down enough or my arm curl squeeze tight enough.
Ok see u in next week.
Three weeks before start at 165pounds
Now is 185pounds still growing
Lift from bench 140lbs to 180lbs
Squat smith machine 140lbs to 220lbs
Back pull and row stronger like add 45lbs every exercise
Arm and tricep I use reps more than Heavy weights 20-25reps each set between 10-25kgs
Calf harder with 150-180lbs stand extend

