
Second Surprise and honor, I met Gary Strydom in Bangkok

I am happy that i can co-incidently met Gary Strydom in Bangkok, now he is staying in Bangkok and exploring the new business in east asia, and like to expand his Supplement brand SPS, Strydom Professional Supplement. He looks phenomenon at age 47, 27 yrs competiting he always stay hard and lean all the time, One Hall of the Fame all time in bodybuilding world we have to admire. Could we like him, Live the life of a bodybuilder? Answer is up to you, Are you have enough determination.

20 Years on the Pro Bodybuilding Circuit
Age | 47
Born | Durban, South Africa
Citizenship | USA
Residence | Los Angeles, California
Owner | SPS – Strydom Professional Series Inc
Strydom Wear clothing / CraZee Wear USA

Height | 6’2”
Arms | 22 inches
Off season Weight | 305 lb
Contest Weight | 283 lb
Waist | 32 inches
Thighs | 29 inches
Calves | 19 inches
Neck | 19.5 inches
Chest | 61 inches

1984 USA Champion 1st
1986 NPC Champion 1st
1986 Night of Champions 1st
1988 Mr. Olympia 5th
1989 Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic 3rd
1989 Australian Grand Prix 1st
1989 French Grand Prix 1st
1989 Swedish Grand Prix 1st
1989 Spanish Grand Prix 1st
1991 WBF Champion 1st
1992 WBF Champion 1st
2006 Denver Pro-Am 7th

at 47 Ageless

2006 Colorado Pro

at1987 training

training at 1988

