Original name Rulove Winklaar, American Bodybuilding world new rookie Roelly Winklaar, recently the New York Pro Winner, weight up to 280 freaky pounds pass June at Gym, he prepares to go up on stage his Mr. Olympia debut like 257-262pounds. few pounds heavier than when he was in Arnold Classic 2010, that was his trainer Sibil hopes height 5'7" Roelly increased weight to enter Mr . O. Believe that Roelly, will have a better placing in Mr. Olympia than the 6th in Arnold Classic.
在Arnold Classic取第六名的健美界新秀,New York Pro冠軍,荷蘭藉健美新人王Roelly Winklaar(原名Rulove Winklaar),六月在健身房過磅體重增達280磅,其教練Sibil(別名:地獄教練)希望高5'7" Roelly能多重幾磅的體重登上首次被選入Mr. Olympia的比賽台,相信Roelly能順利增磅及比Arnold Classic賽有更好表現。
