
Top Ten The Most Viewed Bodybuilding Video on YouTube! You have no guess!!

Not only ganganm style have over 100 millions of views in YouTube, even bodybuilding video can have. 

Here are the Top Ten The Most Viewed Bodybuilding Video on YouTube

Number 1

Bodybuilder Tamer El Shahat poses biceps

On the Top one most viewed bodybuilding video, not from Arnold, not Ronnie, not Jay, not Phil, not Kai, no anyone famous in bodybuilding, but a Eygptian bodybuilder Tamer El Shahat pose some bicep, the video is published on 2008, of course is 5 yrs almost. but over 100 millions of views in YouTube of bodybuilding is a very good record.

Views: 113,394,647( Checked on May 23, 2013)
likes 8912, Dislikes 23,769

Funny Facts: most viewed, and also the one video has more dislikes than likes, WHY!!!!!!!

Number 2:

Bodybuilding muscle DVD Guns 7 preview

This video on top two, can tell people on YouTube like strong arms and bicep, second one have over 20 millions views, is a preview of Guns Volume 7 from MostMuscular.Com. (I own the company,by the way.) This DVD features David Henry, Roland Huff, Craig Torres and more, shot at the Flamingo Road Gold's Gym in Las Vegas the day after the 2005 NPC USA bodybuilding championships.

Funny Facts: this video and the top one is both from Mostmuscular.com the owner in YouTube name tobydog22. he has a 1297 videos had uploaded to youtube. you can have time watch every one of them. HAHA.

Views: 20,907,969( checked on May 23, 2013)
likes 6519, dislikes 3540

Number 3

Bodybuilder David Henry rows, poses back

The Third one is also a mostmuscular.com video, congrat, but the way they shoot the video is so old fashion, but at least this bodybuilder I knew him a long time, David Henry, one of the best 202 bodybuilder. His back is phenomenon.

Views: 13,840,761( checked on May 23, 2013)
likes 5800, Dislikes 4395

Funny Facts: even the video name is David Henry row and back showing, but the video clip is from  video "Trail to the Nationals Part 2", just a part of it........

Number 4

Pain is so close to pleasure - BODYBUILDING

Finally a video not from mostmuscular.com, this video is from Bodybuilding Channel, a brief history of bodybuilding, and also a very good bodybuilding motivation video, if you love bodybuilding you must watch this one.

Views: 11,713,438( checked on May 23, 2013)
likes 7616, Dislikes 1446

Funny Facts: even this video is showing some old footage and history of bodybuilding, but its published on 2011, not so old at all. Good record short time have 11 millions, from hit rate it should be number 2 or 3 video, because the above two videos is launched 2008, longer time to gain rate than this one.

Number 5

Unbelievable Back Muscles ( Natural Bodybuilding )

A very good video, a guy name Luimarco, show you how to perform a basic back training, introduce by Dorian Yates back in 90"s, a reverse grip back barbell row, very effective exercise, thats why it can be number 5, because a good exercise is the truth of bodybuilding.

Views: 9,393,075( checked on May 23, 2013)
Likes 0 Dislikes 0

Funny Facts: zero likes or dislikes quite strange, only have two reason, one is Luimarco not allow this, or because people just like to steal your training tips and not even say thanks.!!!!!

Number 6

Female Bodybuilder Akila Pervis Backstage

This video is the first one of female bodybuilder can have this high rate, congrat Akila, also the owner of the video UsaMuscleWomen, just a back stage warm up video, but equal entertain of a male bodybuider video.

Views:  unknow, but it shows between two video of 9 millions and 7.5 millions, thats can assume it has a around 8millions views.(checked on May 23, 2013)
Likes 0 Dislikes 0

Funny Facts: the owner stop the statistic of the video, Why? this video is fantastic, and have a 8 millions views, should be proud, also, guys the owner has other 31 videos. go catch up.

Number 7


There are so many bodybuilding motivation video on YouTube, but this one has most viewed.
over 7 millions views, must have something , you must take a watch. Remember the owner and maker name, mrZhasni 

Views:7,584,507( checked on May 23, 2013)
Likes 8148, Dislikes 697

Funny Facts: this video is so good, why has 697 Dislikes, I think most is from people who not like bodybuilding, but if you don't like bodybuilding why you watch this video and rate it, Stupid!
Number 8

Jodie Marsh: Bodybuilder - Sneak Peek [premieres Tue 24 Jan 9PM]

Unbelievable condition of Jodie, a 8th place not bad and well deserve. the second best female bodybuilder on top ten.

Views : 7,042,377( checked on May 23, 2013)
Likes 1780 Dislikes 2464

Funny Facts: Actually this video is a promo of Jodie will have a full coverage video on DMaxUK on sometime ago. but funny how this video has a large viewers group but also a large Dislikes?? why you don't like Breast or not like woman, or not like a promo video because is not a full version.... but how about that someone go to your house and eat your meal every day and don't have to pay for a bill!!! miserable your FXXking life, is that Fair!!!

Number 9

Kai Greene New York Pro Bodybuilding Show 2011

If Kai Greene not appear on the top ten,  this will be a totally a joke to the YouTube Viewer group. Kai maybe not the most famous bodybuilders in the whole american bodybuilding history(but he must be one of the best bodybuilder among all), but not his fame, is his integrity and totally dedication to bodybuilding. How he trains and he performs and he lives, is a truly amazing bodybuilder, the other seem to be very commercial, and Kai is a FAN most admired bodybuilder ever exist.

Views: 6,366,868(Checked on May 23,2013)
Likes 700 Dislikes 2526

Funny Facts: the views expected, but Dislikes is unexpected, how come so many dislikes, I think the only reason is the whole video is only photo mix up, no motion picture, and Kai's fans want some action of Kai.

Number 10

Super Heavyweight Bodybuilder Ryan Watson Off Season Lower Body Training

Ryan Watson maybe you don't know who he is, but This video really show how a bodybuilder Balls to the wall squat for improvement. and Ryan did show us how strong he is, 6 plate each side is heavy, very damn heavy!!!!! and FXXKing 125 pounds dumbbell lunges ARE you Kidding man????!!!!!!!! AND MAN THIS GUY IS 6'2 290, WHO SAID TALL GUY NOT HAVE LEGS!!!!!!

Views: 6,056,451
Likes 2461 Dislikes 2579

Funny Facts: you can find that Ryan only have this video pop up a highest rate than any video he had, the other most have 100 thousand some only have a thousand, its show people, like to watch bodybuilders train legs, and balls to the wall kind, not just did a light medium weight, is really heavy weight. and funny is the like and dislike almost the same, I think the people hate it because they like it but jealous Ryan strong legs, that they don't have even train harder!!! Bite Me.


Bodybuilder has a boner is normal on posing stage?

Pls Pls Pls.
WE all human!, Have Feelings and Emotion!
Male Bodybuilders has a boner on stage is not that very unusual things!!
There are 3 very good reason!!!
Number 1 reason
They are really big dick Guy!!!, Then you think they are boner, Like Kai Greene, and Toney Freeman is very easy to tell they have big cock, just watch their posing trunk outline.
Number 2 reason
Very Competition reason, I know there are a lots of Male Bodybuilders who believe in taking Viagra or Cialis for better Nitric Oxide Pumping before the stage. Hey We are man thou we. taking These pills you think won't have effect only pump the muscle, actually every muscle and tissue with blood vessel will be pumped, Viagra just four hrs, Cialis is more worst, he gonna stay all UP in the competition.
Number 3 reason
This is more like a real fact!! All bodybuilders no matter man or woman, has to shave off all body hair for the competition. Woman, simply just will be itchy, but dude, we have a rod in the front. If you put your shaft upright or side, your dick will be stimilate but the short-sharp-just cutted hair. you know how tingle it is, and your cutted skin fragile cock so easy will be thrill to blown up the full erection. That's very true, I have that experience myself lots of time.

Extra One more Reason
The new style of posing trunk is very 3D in design, leave you a big room down there, thats comply to all the reason upstairs, if you have a huge dick and also stimlate by shaved hair, also taking Viagra.
Bingo, You definately will got a boner under your pants, no matter how calm you are. BTW, when we do posing, flex the muscle, thigh will squeeze the private upside down or between the legs, there are so much excitement is going on. I always found that, some bodybuilders not plan to get erection on stage, but after coming on spot light and screaming by audience,  the heroes mind affection, flex and flex, and squeeze, no matter how tired you are, you are still a man. a hot blood animal.
Dude, don't take Viagra on stage, and pls do put on cream at the shaved area, also always put your dick downward, then can avoid this tragedy as much as can be. But However, some guys really like to show off. maybe this boner is a benefit to particular musclehead dude. LMAO!!

The Famous and Entertaining Bodybuilder Andy Haman

著名的健美運動員Andy Hman,這傢伙在美國和歐洲的世界健美界也非常出名,因為他的充滿娛樂性及社交能力,每次也穿著得出眾,形像深入每一位健美愛好人士。他絕對知道什麼是健美迷需要。我認為所有的健美運動員必須重新再想想,健美可能是完全像他的方式,但健美是一個"騷", 也應寓教於樂。見Kai Greene做了什麼,他的商業價值比任何一個其他的奧林匹亞先生更多。請思考一下?畢竟誰是贏家?
The Famous and Entertaining Bodybuilder Andy Haman, this guy very famous in bodybuilding world across US and europe, because of his great social skills and every time best entertaining clothing. He absolutely provided what's the Fans need. I think All bodybuilder has to re-think again, maybe totally like the way he did, but bodybuilding is a show Bis also should be entertaining. See What Kai Greene did, he is more commercial value than any one of the other Mr. Olympia. pls think about that? who is the winner after all?

不要以為Andy Haman試圖只取悅觀眾,他仍是在美國大重量訓練佼佼者和非常認真的健美運動員之一。
Don't think Andy Haman is trying to only entertain audience, HE still one of a very hardcore and serious bodybuilder in America.



Reebok CrossFit x MaxRep Video@CrossFit Asphodel first CrossFit trial game in HK

Reebok CrossFit x MaxRep Video@CrossFit Asphodel first CrossFit trial game has extremely successfully finished yesterday May 5,2013. 11 contestants with trainer Jaki and Tiffany from CrossFit Asphodel made the crowd experienced the crossfit sport, It really help in any other sports, give you a great strength foundation. Also all guys really did felt the dynamic of the Reebok training gear like Delta series and Realflex Transition 3.0 (Training) shoes.
All trial and game videos will be published very soon in MaxRep Video Youtube Channel.
Reebok CrossFit x MaxRep Video首個CrossFit試玩日,在昨天順利完滿舉行完畢,11位參加者在CrossFit Asphodel教練Jaki及Tiffany的帶領下,完成一個緊張的比賽。每位也非常認同CrossFit運動對身體的好處,可幫助得到更好的體能及耐力,進行任何種類運動。而且大家也非常讚賞Reebok的Training運動服,尤其是Realflex Transition 3.0 (Training)鞋,彈性及舒適度令他們也非常驚訝,大家比賽完畢後,也不換鞋便穿着走,非常開心。

more info on:  https://www.facebook.com/MaxRepVideo
or YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/musclehead169