IT is total amazing when you see 22yrs old Alexey Lesukov in real person, a warm hearted teenage face very friendly, very excited for the contest, but go thro his body parts, very mature man bodybuilding structure, i can say, you got it all, wide back and thick round chest, up and strong delt and lats. big and clear bicep and tricep, very wide strip Quad and define Hamstrings, big legs. not big waist, a very proportional waist he had. all come in one package. He is very sure a brightful, and great bodybuilding carreer ahead in the future. Just one thing on him for fault is hold two much water, if you get more rip and dry condition, no one can beat him on heavy weight class.
I know he was in Miami after Arnold Amateur show, I saw him exercise in South Beach Gold's Gym. and HE did a great photoshooting with Ulrich Oehmen.
Here are some photos go thro his Arnold Amateur Journey.( or you can see more in the right hand side the album slideshow)
New supplement Review: A-HD, Viridex XT and Yok3d
I have bought three very new released supplement back from USA, they are from different manufacturer, but be name best in the industry now.
First one is Yok3d from USPlabs, same brand of Jack3d, claim to be Great Pump than ever, Bulging Veins, Increase Vascularity
First one is Yok3d from USPlabs, same brand of Jack3d, claim to be Great Pump than ever, Bulging Veins, Increase Vascularity
- New veins and striations appeared each week, and it was incredible to see my bodies progression from my Yok3d experience. The biggest changes occurred in my shoulders (especially delts) and lats.
I have try Yok3d several times time, it did pop out my viens very fast, and no need to add other ingredient like creatine or caffine or alanine to do the job, it only had Arginine Nitrate, Vitis Vinifera L. (Powergrape®)Trichopus Zeylanicus (Whole Plant) Extract), not like Jack3d which had Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine, Caffeine, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (Geranium [Stem], Shizandrol A), so many you dont need sustance.
first day I try already my arms veins pop out. below 200 pounds, only three caps, 30 minutes before exercise, with or without food. The total result you will see in four weeks, will be pop out arms and shoulder and veins very obviously.The lowest price on internet is $34.99
Next supplement i want to share with u is Viridex XT from Gaspari Nutrition, claim to be the Pro grade Testosterone Booster. it had contain Vitamin B6, 12(200mcg)and {D-Aspartic Acid}, Calcium D-Saccharate Tetrahydrate, Glucuronolactone, Actiflax® Brand Of Flax Seed Lignan Standardized To Contain 40% Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside, Sichuan Pepper (Microencapsulated Zanthoxylum Nitidum From Fruit Of Plant Extract Standardized For 80% Flavone And Isoflavone Content).
the D-Aspartic Acid which design to release testicle hormone of man(some report it make the testicle bigger in a while), and release the insulin.
Take two caps each time, naturally train days need two times a day. therefore one bottle of 120 caps, is for one month supply.
Result of taking it for week now, is good respond, feel the strength has increased, and muscle hardeness. The lowest price on internet is $39.99
the Last supplement want to share with you guys, is A-HD, Anti-Aromatase Testosterone Booster, new upgrade products from BPI, new form of Arimedex HD 250mg Great quality material in the line, and good for post-cycle. just need two package for two months. One pill a day. Same effect to Clomid and Novel. Which has 9.7 points out of 10 in The lowest price on internet $34.95
Branch Warren: Train Insane Review
I know Branch had two video out in the market, one is Unchained, and the lastest one is Train Insane by House of Pain(released in 2009).
I have bought the DVD from Branch himself at Arnold Classic, he signed for me, Thanks big guy.
The DVD is divided into several parts, from Monday to Saturday, each day train two parts of muscle.
And also has Brach Message thanks House of Pain, sponsor the production. and Brian Dobson's MetroFlex Gym tour. very raw and balls to the wall kind of training, very sweaty, you can see Branch cap is all watering. and how he trained with Brian special design equipment, like the fix on shoulder Squat pole. And iron chain for shoulder lateral rise, WOW, amazing energy and intensive.
I have bought the DVD from Branch himself at Arnold Classic, he signed for me, Thanks big guy.
The DVD is divided into several parts, from Monday to Saturday, each day train two parts of muscle.
And also has Brach Message thanks House of Pain, sponsor the production. and Brian Dobson's MetroFlex Gym tour. very raw and balls to the wall kind of training, very sweaty, you can see Branch cap is all watering. and how he trained with Brian special design equipment, like the fix on shoulder Squat pole. And iron chain for shoulder lateral rise, WOW, amazing energy and intensive.
2011 British Grand Prix Bodybuilding Championship photos
2011 British Grand Prix Bodybuilding Championship result and photos
photo vredit from
Men's Open List
Branch Warren
Roelly Winklaar
Thomas Benagli
Hennie Kotze
Michael Kefalianos
Essa Obaid
Ian Morgan
Johnnie Jackson
Ian Wadley
Toney Freeman
Dainius Barzinskas
Mario Vansteenberghe
Ronny Rockel
Mike Sheridan
Alvin Small
Men's 202 List
John Hodgson
Paul George
Cvetko Stojmenovski
Nana Manu
John Armstrong
Raul Carrasco
Michael King
Shaun Joseph-Tavernier
Jerry Ossi
Eric Castagnet
James Llewelyn
Flex Lewis
Mirka Petrovski
photo vredit from
Men's Open List
Branch Warren
Roelly Winklaar
Thomas Benagli
Hennie Kotze
Michael Kefalianos
Essa Obaid
Ian Morgan
Johnnie Jackson
Ian Wadley
Toney Freeman
Dainius Barzinskas
Mario Vansteenberghe
Ronny Rockel
Mike Sheridan
Alvin Small

John Hodgson
Paul George
Cvetko Stojmenovski
Nana Manu
John Armstrong
Raul Carrasco
Michael King
Shaun Joseph-Tavernier
Jerry Ossi
Eric Castagnet
James Llewelyn
Flex Lewis
Mirka Petrovski
HKFBF annoucement on March 20
Now already have 97% of Hong Kong origin top bodybuilders who are under the membership of HKFBF(Hong Kong Fitness and Bodybuilding Federation), the statistic show HKFBF will invest and support more athletic to attend the most extreme and wel-known IFBB bodybuilding contest, which is Arnold Amateur, Amateur Mr. Olympia, AFBF Asian Bodybuilding & Fitness Championships, Qatar Pro bodybuilding Championship. HKFBF present Hong Kong Bodybuilding Invitation Championship.
To protect every bodybuilding contestants profit and rights, This is the last invite will be announce to those who still not be our HKFBF members bodybuilders. Now we have over 67 top bodybuiilders have enrolled into our memberships, and for protecting all members rights and equal opportunities to represented out Federation to enter any future IFBB contests. Any of those who not enroll in our federation and has attended to any other Hong Kong area bodybuilding contest after the date 2011 Jan 1st, will be eternity disqualified to enter any contests which help by HKFBF or cooperate and represent HKFBF to worldwide contests which under IFBB as well. Further notice Will not be announced.
To protect every bodybuilding contestants profit and rights, This is the last invite will be announce to those who still not be our HKFBF members bodybuilders. Now we have over 67 top bodybuiilders have enrolled into our memberships, and for protecting all members rights and equal opportunities to represented out Federation to enter any future IFBB contests. Any of those who not enroll in our federation and has attended to any other Hong Kong area bodybuilding contest after the date 2011 Jan 1st, will be eternity disqualified to enter any contests which help by HKFBF or cooperate and represent HKFBF to worldwide contests which under IFBB as well. Further notice Will not be announced.
2011年的HKFBF已占有香港97%的顶尖运动员市场,战略数据已决定HKFBF 2012年会投资多项世界级赛事,包括阿诺业余赛,Mr O业余赛,ifbb世界赛,afbf亚洲赛,卡塔尔职业赛,及hkfbf超级邀请赛, 为了保护所有运动员的未来发展利益不被边缘化,2011年我们希望以最后、最大诚意去 邀请其余顶级运动员作赛.
目前hkfbf注册运动员已超过67人,为维护本会运动员利益,凡任何2011年1月 1日之后在香港区内出席过任何hkfbf以外的所有香港健美运动员,hkfbf将会永 久拒绝其将来一切出赛hkfbf的任何渠道申请,绝不另行公布!
From Left to Right: Lightweight: 1st Jose Carlos de Sousa Santos, Brazil; Welterweight: 1st Zuccaro Alex, Italy; Light Middleweight: 1st Gilmar de Souza Silva, Brazil; Middleweight: 1st Foucaux Peter; Light Heavyweight: 1st Alexander Kodsoev, Russia; Heavyweight: 1st Alexey Lesukov, Russia; Super Heavyweight: 1st Matthias Botthof, Germany
Overall Amateur Men’s Bodybuilding winner: Matthias Botthof of Germany
Winners Announced for Fifth Annual Arnold Amateur Bodybuilding
Winners Announced for Fifth Annual Arnold Amateur Bodybuilding,
Fitness, Figure and Bikini Championships
Columbus, Ohio – Four hundred and forty-six of the top amateur competitors from around the world and USA competed in the Arnold Amateur IFBB International Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure and Bikini Championships at Veterans Memorial Auditorium and the Greater Columbus Convention Center March 3-6 as a part of the Arnold Sports Festival.
Overall winners in each division include:
· Men’s Bodybuilding – Matthias Botthof of Germany
· Men’s Classic Bodybuilding – Jerzy Pisulski of Poland
· Women’s Bodybuilding – Alevtina Goroshinskaya of Russia
· Fitness – Diana Monteiro Noronha de Alemida of Brazil
· Figure – Darlene Escano of Australia
· Figure Masters – Anna Maria Giordani of USA
· Bikini – Ingrid Romero of USA
“Athletes represented 51 different countries this year making it one of the biggest international events of its kind,” said Bob Lorimer, owner of MetroFitness Gyms and the events co-producer with the Fitness Factory’s Mike Davies. “We are fortunate to collaborate with such fantastic partners like Rafael Santonja, President of the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Jim Manion, President of the Nation Physique Committee who help us bring together so many talented competitors,” Lorimer added.
Overall winners at the Arnold Amateur contest in men's bodybuilding, women's bodybuilding, fitness, figure and bikini divisions may petition their national federations for pro status in the IFBB Professional League. Arnold Amateur winners who earn Pro cards will be invited to compete in a future Arnold Classic, Ms. International, Figure International, Fitness International or Bikini International.
Overall winners received an Arnold VIP ticket package and were recognized on stage with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Overall winners were also recognized at the sponsor luncheon and at the Arnold Fitness Training Seminar.
The winner of each weight or height class received a Tony Nowak Arnold Classic jacket. The top five competitors in each weight or height class received trophies. All competitors received a sponsor gift bag, 3-day admission to the Arnold Fitness EXPO and tickets to the Arnold Fitness Training Seminar.

The top five competitors are listed for each division and weight class. For a complete listing of competitors, they’re numbers and how they placed, see the official score sheet.
Overall Amateur Men’s Bodybuilding winner: Matthias Botthof of Germany.
Other winners of the Arnold Amateur Bodybuilding Men’s competition include:
· Lightweight: 1st Jose Carlos de Sousa Santos, Brazil; 2nd Marcelo Honorio, Brazil; 3rd Eric Hernandez, Puerto Rico; 4th Godo Koji, Japan; 5th Jose Bustamante, Spain.
· Welterweight: 1st Zuccaro Alex, Italy; 2nd Karol Malecki, Poland; 3rd Vyacheslav Makogon, Ukraine; 4th Masucci Filippo, Italy; 5th Fabio Jose Soares Junior, Brazil.
· Light Middleweight: 1st Gilmar de Souza Silva, Brazil; 2nd Igor Losev, Russia; 3rd Anthony Marmon, USA; 4th So Ming Hei Jaffy, China; 5th Suewendley Franciska, Netherlands.
· Middleweight: 1st Foucaux Peter; 2nd Marco Cardona Espinosa, Columbia; 3rd Verdiyev Vugar, Azerbaijan; 4th Jose Leocadio Flores, Mexico; 5th Vomacka Marek, Czech Republic.
· Light Heavyweight: 1st Alexander Kodsoev, Russia; 2nd Osladil Lukas, Czech Republic; 3rd Sami Ebrahim Ali Alhaddad, Bahrain; 4th Giusto Dennis, Italy; 5th Ahmad Salim Saleh Al Harthi, Oman.
· Heavyweight: 1st Alexey Lesukov, Russia; 2nd Bures Tomas, Czech Republic; 3rd William Bonac, Netherlands; 4th Angel Higueras, Spain; 5th Marshel Herman, Netherland.
· Super Heavyweight: 1st Matthias Botthof, Germany; 2nd Antoine Vaillant, Canada; 3rd David Hoffman, Germany; 4th Julio Cesar Balestrin, Brazil; 5th Eddy Wilson, Suriname.
Overall Arnold Amateur Men’s Classic Bodybuilding winner: Jerzy Pisulski of Poland.
Other winners of the Arnold Amateur Men’s Classic Bodybuilding competition include:
· Class A: 1st Jesus Maria Britos Quintana, Paraguay; 2nd Chantha Yun, USA; 3rd Bob Reiner, USA.
· Class B: 1st Mriusz Balanzinski, Poland; 2nd Marcello Rafaelli Silva da Costa, Brazil; 3rd Rodolfo Eduardo Rodriguez, Paraguay; 4th Tony Roberts, USA; 5th Mark Anthony Wingson, Canada.
· Class C: 1st Jerzy Pisulski, Poland; 2nd Sitter Michal, Czech Republic; 3rd Xavier Moura, Brazil; 4th Harry Ogg, United Kingdom; 5th Luiz Vinicius Exaltacao, Brazil.
Overall Amateur Women’s Bodybuilding winner: Alevtina Goroshinskaya of Russia.
Other winners of the Arnold Amateur Bodybuilding Women’s competition include:
· Lightweight: 1st Marina Lemenovskaya, Russia; 2nd Branka Njegovec, Croatia; 3rd Nathalie Falk, Germany; 4th Monika Becht, Germany; 5th Nataliia Dichkovska, Ukraine.
· Heavyweight: 1st Alevtina Goroshinskaya, Russia; 2nd Geraldine Morgan, Chile; 3rd Salla Kauranen, Finland; 4th Kyptova Katerina, Czech Republic; 5th Violet Schwarz, Germany.
Overall Amateur Fitness winner: Diana Monteiro Noronha de Alemida of Brazil.
Other winners of the Arnold Amateur Fitness Championship include:
· Short Class: 1st Diana Monteiro Noronha de Alemida, Brazil; 2nd Guryeva Olga, Russia; 3rd Paula Williams-Gulman, USA; 4th Shalimar Wilder, USA; 5th Samantha Kinnish, Australia.
· Tall Class: 1st Marta Aguiar Fernandez, Uruguay; 2nd Czine Szilvia, Hungary; 3rd Dvortsova Tatiana, Russia; 4th Jayla McDermott, USA; 5th Meredith Miller, USA.
Overall Amateur Figure winner: Darlene Escano of Australia.
Other winners of the Arnold Amateur Figure Championship include:
· Class A: 1st Angela DeFrancesco, Canada; 2nd Cheri Nguyen, USA; 3rd Chie Terui, USA; 4th Nuria Novia, New Zealand; 5th Elsie Velazquez, USA.
· Class B: 1st Irina Kiselev, USA; 2nd Giada Simari, Italy; 3rd Diane Singh, USA; 4th Lauren Jacobson, Canada; 5th Helena Chansky, USA.
· Class C: 1st Susetty Tabash, Costa Rica; 2nd Mikhaylova Natalia, Russia; 3rd Kristina O’Brien, USA; 4th Susana Romerez, USA; 5th Casey Cunliffe, USA.
· Class D: 1st Julie Mayer-Hyman, USA; 2nd Cheryl Davis, USA; 3rd Rosa Valente, USA; 4th Ashley Horner Tumon, USA; 5th Jena Robertson, USA.
· Class E: 1st Alessandra Barata Pinheiro, Brazil; 2nd Allison Moyer, USA; 3rd Francisca Dennis, Canada; 4th Jessica Rinaldi, USA; 5th Sophie Miranda, USA.
· Class F: 1st Darlene Escano, Australia; 2nd Sarah Farr, USA; 3rd Emily Zelinka, Canada; 4th Essence Ashford, USA; 5th Priscilla Edwards, USA.
Overall Amateur Figure Masters winner: Anna Maria Giordani of USA.
Other winners of the Arnold Amateur Figure Masters Championship include:
· Short Class: 1st Anna Maria Giordani, USA; 2nd Lynne Nichols, USA; 3rd Maria Carlone, USA; 4th Sabrina Dodson, USA; 5th Nina Cash, USA.
· Medium Class: 1st Raquel Hernandez, Spain; 2nd Linda O-Andrew, USA; 3rd Katerina Tarbox, USA; 4th Elsa Geraldo, USA; 5th Heather Ruelan, USA.
· Tall Class: 1st Tetyana Mikheychyk, Ukraine; 2nd Sandy Scamman, USA; 3rd Marlene Koekemoer, South Africa; 4th Linda Stephens, USA; 5th Andrea Ternes, USA.
Overall Amateur Bikini winner: Ingrid Romero of USA.
Other winners of the Arnold Amateur Bikini Championships include:
· Class A: 1st Alexis Kaufman, USA; 2nd Khay Rosemond, USA; 3rd Amanda Cherundolo, USA; 4th Katie Berchick, USA; 5th Mandie Taketa, USA.
· Class B: 1st Sara Maria Moylan, USA; 2nd India Paulino, USA; 3rd Diana Leigh, USA; 4th Francesca Hartman, USA; 5th Jessica Daniels, USA.
· Class C: 1st Ingrid Romero, USA; 2nd Julenoy Dias Vieira, Brazil; 3rd Sheena Lee, USA; 4th Fernanda Zanzoni Barroso, Brazil; 5th Danella Campuzano, USA.
· Class D: 1st Lindsey Nicole, USA; 2nd Anna Kuzminykh, USA; 3rd Morgan Spoon, USA; 4th Stephanie Mahoe, USA; 5th Kristie Winter, USA.
· Class E: 1st Emily Carey, USA; 2nd Crystal King, USA; 3rd Stephanie Krohn, USA; 4th Wendy Townsend, Australia; 5th Karen Bierman, USA.
· Class F: 1st Gabriela Silva Cardosa da Silva, Brazil; 2nd Sara Hoots, USA; 3rd Michele Gregor, USA; 4th Rachel Delacalzada, USA; 5th Alexandra Miller, USA.
The Arnold Sports Festival features 45 sports and events, 11 Olympic sports, 18,000 competitors, and more than 180,000 spectators.
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