New Comer in 2010 Mr. Olympia Evgeny Mishin

I am so exciting for the coming Mr. Olympia Show 2010, because this year is its 45th show and every winners of the show will come back yo celebrate. and also, everyone is very longing to see if Jay can win again, and what his physics now, much bigger, and can Branch make his date in this time, or other like Phil and Kai will they make higher place this time, of course new comers like Roelly Winklaar, I have mention him a lots of time here, because not only his superb physic, also his manner is best in the game, very hummble. Also this year has a very special new comer name Evgeny Mishin, original from Russia, and now live in Los Angeles, he is 6'2 on stage 290, off season 350. enormous big body, being training from his 14 til now, wins a lots of contest, including Powerlifting, and lots of St. Petersberg Bodybuilding overall winners, 2003 won his pro-card. Here he comes, everybody pls watch over him.
Evgeny Mishin got married in 2007, but you never know, he been a strip dancer before,and own a show in New York since 1998-2003, and he won the international strip dance award too. Now you know to become a bodybuilder , you should be multi talent. This gain him a lots of performance experience.
聽日個全港健美錦標賽,謝絕傳媒採訪,閉門做車,真令人失望。玩健美的真只是如此,明 天贏的輸的沒人知,只有小圈子知,健美絕不如他們所想只是一個小圈子的事,咁同選特首 有什麼分別,是個封閉縮影。世事不一定是這樣,八月個比賽將令人鼓舞,讓人知道什麼是 健美,公開公正公平的健美賽是如何的,還香港健美運動員一個機會。大家努力吧。我們已 經準備好。
Tmr HKBBA Bodybuilding Contest, prohibited media to join it. Want a close door contest, make bodybuilding looks like what they want, what they plan to.What a shame. Hong Kong Bodybuilding and all bodybuilders is not a tool, we are all professional atheletic, want to be compared, want to be seen, want to be known, don't make our sport look more political than the one we have in Hong Kong already. All we want is a fair game, and want to be recognised and to be generally acknowledged.
August we will have a fair contest , everybody welcome, we want the city to know we're existed, know what are we doing, and we are proud of it. August, we will give a chance to every bodybuilders, to compete and make their day, and hold the glory.
Let's we do our best to provide you the best bodybuilder in our city. Pls prepare.WE ARE COMING.
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